On June 10, 2020, Evrim Resources Corp. and Renaissance Gold Inc. announced they have entered into an agreement to combine in a merger of equals. The transaction will grant Evrim all of the outstanding common shares of Renaissance to create a new company, Orogen Royalties Inc. (“Orogen”). The merger will allow Orogen to focus on project generation with a particular focus on organic royalty creation and royalty acquisition. The combination also provides a strong platform for Orogen to grow and generate additional royalties through organic prospect generation and joint venture partnerships.
Evrim Resources Corp. is a Vancouver based mineral exploration company specializing in significant exploration discoveries supported by a sustainable business model. Evrim has a diverse range of projects and a database covering substantial areas of Mexico and portions of the southwestern United States.
Renaissance Gold Inc. is a western US focused prospect generator with a focus on searching for and acquiring high quality precious metal exploration projects that are offered for joint venture to industry partners providing exploration funding. Renaissance has a large portfolio of gold and silver exploration properties and has entered into over 70 exploration agreements.
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP advised Evrim Resources Corp. with a team consisting of Alan Hutchison, Jason Comerford, Patrick Sullivan, Ian Morrison and Sagar Memon (Corporate) and Jennifer Lee (Tax).
Key Contact
Partner, Corporate, Vancouver
Partner, Corporate, New York
Associate, Emerging and High Growth Companies, Vancouver
Partner, Corporate, Vancouver