ESG beyond borders: international perspectives on financing market trends and regulatory oversight for Canadian issuers and financial institutions

Event Information


April 26, 2023


90 MIN

Delivery Method

Past Webinars


No longer an incidental consideration when pursuing business strategy and engaging stakeholders, ESG has given rise to a variety of new ways to raise and invest capital, as well as new regulations, more rigorous disclosure obligations and new areas of litigation risk.  

Available on-demand, you can now watch a recording of our in-person seminar in Toronto for a look at recent ESG developments affecting corporate issuers, financial institutions and pension fund investors in Canada, the United States, the European Union, and the United Kingdom. Alongside guest panellists from leading international law firm Mayer Brown, some of the topics discussed include:

  • Global perspectives on products in the market:
    • Green, social and sustainability-linked bonds and loans
    • Overview of the public and private frameworks available 
    • Structuring and documenting considerations including the rise of greenwashing risk
  • Canadian, US and EU ESG-related securities regulatory disclosure obligations affecting Canadian issuers and financial institutions:
    • Canadian Securities Law disclosure obligations
    • SEC’s proposed climate change rules
    • SEC’s proposed rules regarding naming of funds, indices, or products that have ESG/sustainability in the name
    • EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and EU Green Bond Standard

Meet the Speakers:

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