Osler Construction Toolkit

Explore our tools to help navigate Ontario’s Construction Act.

Implementing construction law reforms for your organization?

Use our Construction Contract Review and Other Services to ensure compliance.

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The construction landscape in Canada is continuously evolving. In particular, the overhaul of Ontario’s Construction Act (the Act) has presented both opportunities and challenges for construction industry participants in Canada. Whether you are a project owner, an equity sponsor, a subcontractor or a lender, it’s important to correctly interpret these changes in order to avoid cost overruns and ensure your projects are completed on time and on budget.

Osler’s Construction Group has developed free and easy-to-use tools to help you determine not only the payment deadlines for your project, but which version of Ontario’s Construction Act applies to your improvement or contract:

Owner Payment Date Calculator

Prompt payment regimes for construction projects have been introduced federally and in a number of provinces, including Ontario. The prompt payment regime under the Act came into force on October 1, 2019. To help you comply with the tight timelines, Osler developed a convenient, easy-to-use Owner Payment Date Calculator tool that allows you to determine the payment deadlines for your project under the new regime. To use the tool, simply enter the date of receipt or deemed receipt of the proper invoice, and let the calculator do the rest.

Use our Owner Payment Date Calculator

Transitions Deconstructed tool     

With Ontario’s prompt payment and adjudication regimes in effect, industry participants have had to navigate between three alternative versions of Ontario’s Construction Act to determine which version governs their improvement or contract. Our online tool helps you deconstruct the transition provisions. Answer some quick questions about your improvement or contract, and our tool will provide you with a packaged PDF of the applicable version of the Act together with the associated regulations, for reference throughout the life of your contract.

Access the Transitions Deconstructed tool

Other service offerings

Beyond these tools, Osler has developed other service offerings for you, such as cost-effective construction contract review services, a wide range of adjudication support services, and best practices training and customizing a playbook for your organization to meet the demanding payment and adjudication timelines.

Our Canadian prompt payment and construction law reforms page is regularly updated with the most recent developments impacting the Canadian construction & infrastructure sector, so be sure to check it out.

Our Construction and Infrastructure Law in Canada Blog draws on the experience of our national team of experts and provides timely, reliable and practical insights on developments in construction and infrastructure law. Subscribe to our blog.

How Osler can help

Canadian, U.S. and international clients regularly turn to the lawyers in Osler’s National Construction and Infrastructure Group for expert advice throughout the life cycle of their construction projects, whether they are large and complex projects or smaller projects where successful execution is critical. Our litigators and solicitors work together as an integrated team that ensures clients’ needs are met, from the launch of a construction project until its conclusion. Our Group has demonstrated understanding of project risk; technical and commercial knowledge; litigation and alternative dispute resolution expertise; and national and U.S. capabilities.