Representative Work

Christopher Naudie Christopher Naudie


All Representative Work

Representative Work

Drax Group plc in its acquisition of Pinnacle Renewable Energy

On April 13, 2021, Drax Group plc completed its all-cash acquisition of all of the issued and outstanding shares of Pinnacle Renewable Energy Inc. at a price of $11.30 per share (representing a premium of 13% based on the closing market price as at February 5, 2020 of $10.04 per share and valuing...

Lead Office: Toronto Date Closed: April 13, 2021 Value: $741 million

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Representative Work

Successful hearing before the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) and subsequent initial public offering of the first publicly-traded bitcoin investment fund in the world

On October 30, 2019, a panel of the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) released a decision that will allow 3iQ Corp (3iQ), a Canadian investment manager, to offer the world’s first publicly traded bitcoin investment fund. Since late 2016, 3iQ had been developing The Bitcoin Fund (the...

Lead Office: Toronto Date Closed: April 1, 2020 Value: -

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Representative Work

RSM US LLP in the launch of RSM Canada

On December 01, 2017, RSM US LLP (“RSM”) announced the launch of RSM Canada with an office 300-strong in the heart of Toronto’s financial district. The RSM Canada team includes 37 partners, nearly 300 professionals and has served more than 5,000 middle market clients over...

Lead Office: Toronto Date Closed: December 1, 2017 Value: -

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