Partner, Tax, Montréal
Partner, Tax, Montréal
Partner, Tax, Montréal
The annual conference of the APFF is a unique event! Its main objective is to best serve the interests of professionals by optimizing their opportunities form networking and exchanges, and the quality of lectures.
During this conference, Alain Fournier and Paul Seraganian will review recent developments in financing in Canada and the United States. Mark D. Brender will join a group of tax experts in a session entitled Amendments to Subsection 55(2) L.I.R. : A Panel on the Practical Aspects. Manon Thivierge will discuss some major changes to the Act regarding to duties on transfers of immovables, which were introduced in the 2016 budget. In addition, she will act as moderator in the session entitled Elimination of the Eligible Capital Property Regime: Opportunities, Challenges and New Rules.
For more information, please refer to the conference program.