In Person Event

CBA West 2017


Nov 17, 2017


Las Vegas

The Honourable Marshall Rothstein C.C., KC

Partner, Tax Litigation, Vancouver

Keeping up with the Dunsmuirs

Recent Developments in Administrative Law 

This session will examine key recent administrative law issues addressed by the Supreme Court of Canada including:   how might the Supreme Court’s jurisprudence on standard of review evolve (Capilano Shopping Centre case and others );  Charter challenges in administrative law proceedings (Loyola High School); and  implicit jurisdiction of administrative bodies (Green v. Law Society of Manitoba). 

This session will also address:  the rule making authority of administrative bodies and the role of empirical evidence (the Sobeys West litigation in the BC and Alberta Court of Appeal); the challenges of self-represented litigants in administrative law proceedings; and judicial review of decisions by non-governmental bodies such as churches, social clubs and athletic organizations.  When will the Courts take jurisdiction?  (Wall, Alberta Court of Appeal, leave to appeal to SCC granted)