In Person Event

Year End Professional Series


Nov 16, 2017


Toronto, Ontario

CLE / CPD Credit Information

  • British Columbia – Lawyering skills - 1.25
  • Ontario – Professionalism - 1.25
  • Quebec – Out of province credits - 1.25

Are You Politically Savvy? Harnessing Social Intelligence for Lawyers

Most people avoid office politics, associating it with meddling, taking unfair advantage and manipulation. Accordingly, none of these negative behaviours helps career success or advancement. To get ahead in any organization requires social competency and intelligence. During this 75-minute session, participants will be introduced to five dimensions of social intelligence (SI) including Situational Awareness, Organizational Awareness, Influence and Authenticity, Relationship Management and Communication. Using a short, self-scored questionnaire, participants will discover their individual strengths and challenges on each dimension. Skills for each dimension will be discussed and practiced. Learn how to increase your SI and become more politically savvy.


Delee Fromm, Lawyer, Psychologist and Author 


12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m.: Lunch 12:30 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.: Program

If you are unable to attend in person, we will be offering the educational sessions via webinar. Register for webinar.


Continuing Professional Development. Ontario: Total CPD = 1.25 hours (1 hr., 15 mins Professionalism and up to 0 hrs. Substantive) Québec: This program has been approved for 1.25 credit hours in accordance with the requirements for “out of province” activities. B.C.:  This program qualifies for 1.25 hrs. of credit, applied towards Lawyering Skills.