Osler Code Detect: Demo

Osler Code Detect is a web application that locally scans your source code folder, identifies open source licenses used in your code that pose the highest risk, and presents scan results in an easy-to-understand and visualized format.


Use Osler Code Detect

Find out more by reading our F​AQs and legal support packages

Video transcript

Welcome to Osler Code Detect, a free and simple to use web application that locally scans your source code to identify open source licenses that pose the highest risk, and presents scan results in easy-to-understand and visualized format.  Osler Code Detect does not copy, save or share your code. From the Osler Code Detect product page, click Osler Code Detect. Note that Osler Code Detect works best with Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Opera web browsers.

Osler Code Detect is a three-step process. The first step is to click the link to read our FAQs.  Once completed, click Proceed. The second step is to read the disclaimer and terms of use. Once completed, click I agree to move to step three.

To select a folder from your computer to scan, either click on choose folder button to select the folder on your computer containing the code to scan; or drag and drop the folder from your computer to the drop folder here target area. The scan runs locally on your computer. No files get uploaded. The scan starts automatically once a folder is selected.

Your scan result consists of four sections. The license distribution chart shows the number of files for each license found. License considerations identifies which licenses were found that require careful consideration regarding use.  Click the arrow or double-click on the license title to expand to see which files contain the license.

You can expand the license view, which categorizes the files scanned, to see the licenses under which they are governed. Click on arrow to expand a license or click on the expand all button to view all files under each License found.

You can expand the file structure of the folder scanned, to show where the open source files are found.  Licenses “found in file” are indicated by the solid red bubble and licenses “inherited by convention” are indicated by the dotted-line bubble.

You can print and download the results. If you need help interpreting your results, contact Sam Ip or another member of our Technology Law team.  We also offer open source legal support packages designed to meet your needs. Thank you for using Osler Code Detect.