
NAFTA Renegotiation and its Impact on Canadian Business

Date of recording

May 2, 2018


Please join us for a webinar, held jointly with Lexology, on the impact of NAFTA renegotiations. This webinar will provide both a review of the status of the NAFTA renegotiations, potential obstacles to conclusion of the renegotiations and possible repercussions of a failed renegotiations process.  The webinar will also explore what businesses need to do in the face of this uncertainty, and planning opportunities for businesses who are or seek to do business in Canada and promote their exports to Europe, Asia and South America through the network of agreements available to Canadian businesses. The fate of NAFTA — an agreement between the United States, Canada and Mexico that has for close to 25 years governed a market of over 400 million consumers and facilitated a threefold increase in trade in goods and services, intellectual property and investments — now precariously hangs in the balance pending the conclusion of difficult rounds of negotiations. The last scheduled round of negotiations was planned to take place over a two week period in April 2018, in advance of national elections in both Mexico and the United States, with the former electing a new President and the United States electing new congressional representatives. The U.S. administration cancelled this last round in favour of a Ministerial meeting with a goal of achieving an agreement in principle by early May.  Whether this will realistically be achieved should be known by the time of this seminar. Canada in the meantime has continued to forge ahead with deepening trade relationships with the EU under the Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA), with the Pacific Rim nations with the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and certain Latin American countries that are members of Mercosur.