Partner, Tax, Calgary
Partner, Corporate, Calgary
Senior Counsel, Toronto
The 2019 federal budget (the Budget) proposes to impose an annual cap on stock options granted to an employee that will be eligible for the Stock Option Deduction.
Curious to learn more?
Solium, in partnership with Osler would like to invite you on the morning of Thursday April 25th, to learn more about the proposed change and what impact it may have on your organization and your employees. Topics of discussion will include:
Trends in option granting practices
Impact of the tax changes on equity granting processes
Alternatives to options (SARs and full value awards)
Disclosure implications for venture issuers
In attendance will be subject matter experts from Osler to address your questions. Also, in attendance will be members from Solium.
Andrea Whyte, Partner, Corporate, Osler
Colena Der, Partner, Taxation, Osler
Andrew MacDougall, Partner, Corporate, Osler
Hash Vara, Director, Relationship Management, Solium Capital Inc
8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. MST: Registration, light breakfast & networking MST 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. MST: Seminar and Q&A MST
*Please note that the location of the event has been updated. It will now be taking place at the Westin and not Soliums head office.