Oleg Bouevitch

Oleg Bouevitch is a registered Canadian and U.S. Patent Agent specializing in the area of high-tech intellectual property. Oleg’s experience includes drafting and prosecution of high-tech patent applications, setting up and running patent mining and harvesting at high-tech companies, evaluating patents, conducting prior art searches, and drafting patentability and infringement opinions. Oleg has extensive experience in patent drafting, patent harvesting, and worldwide prosecution of patent applications. Overall, Oleg has drafted hundreds of patents, most of them listing world-class global high-tech corporations as applicants.

Before becoming a patent agent trainee in 2008 and a registered patent agent in 2013, Oleg had over 12 years of engineering experience in US and Canadian high-tech companies, holding positions from R&D engineer to engineering manager. Oleg has a direct research and development experience in areas including optics, electro-optics, optoelectronics, optomechanics, visual displays, communications networks, high-power femtosecond lasers, and has himself been inventor before switching to the patent agent career.



  • University of Jerusalem, Ph.D. Physics (ABD)
  • Moscow State University, M.Sc. Physics (Optics)


  • English
  • Russian

Professional Affiliations

  • Intellectual Property Institute of Canada, Member