On December 19, 2019, Maverix Metals Inc. announced the closing of its US$74 million acquisition of the royalty portfolio of Kinross Gold Corporation. The acquisition grants Maverix Metals Inc. twenty-five precious metals royalties along with interests in multiple early stage development and exploration projects.
Maverix Metals Inc. is an emerging precious metals royalty and streaming company. Maverix Metals Inc has a focus on mining related investment that grants investors leverage to precious metals prices along with exposure to exploration and expansion potential.
Kinross Gold Corporation is a Toronto-based senior gold mining company with a focus on responsible mining and a portfolio of mines and projects throughout the United States, Brazil, Chile, Ghana, Mauritania and Russia.
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP advised Maverix Metals Inc. with a team consisting of Alan Hutchison, Rob Lando, Patrick Sullivan, Kelsey Weiner (Corporate) and Ian Morrison (Articling Student).
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Partner, Corporate, Vancouver
Associate, Emerging and High Growth Companies, Vancouver