Thomas Solomon

Thomas Solomon

In Thomas' academic journey, a significant part of his legal experience has involved researching and exploring resources like CanLii to strengthen his understanding of the law and how it impacts various aspects of life and the cases he is analyzing. Moreover, through his volunteer experience he's had the pleasure of putting together informative documents for newcomers about important sections of the law they should be aware of, as well as assisting them in navigating complex application processes.

Awards and Recognition

  • Jason Lang Scholarship, Province of Alberta (2023)

  • W.F.M. Stewart Bursary (2023)

  • Deans list University of Calgary (2020, 2021, 2022)

  • Undergraduate Tuition Reinvestment Bursary (2022)

Community Involvement

  • Ruth’s House, Legal Resource Specialist
  • Omna Immigration Consultancy, Immigration Consultant Assistant
  • Wings of Hope for Africa Foundation, Hiring Manager
  • Peerify, Policy Advisor
  • YYC Eritreans, Tutor



  • University of Calgary, B.A.


  • English