In Walchuk Estate v. Houghton, the Ontario Court of Appeal dismissed a motion to quash an appeal on the basis that the lower court’s adjournment of a …
SEC Announces $2-Million in Whistleblower Awards
Compliance officers, in house counsel, management and board members of public companies are beginning to recognize the realities of external whistlebl…
Settlement: Second Time’s a Charm?
The case of Fulawka v. The Bank of Nova Scotia – one of the “bank overtime” class actions – has had a long procedural history, and attracted significa…
R. v. Araya: Court of Appeal Decides “Rather Unusual Sentence Appeal”
In R. v. Araya, the Ontario Court of Appeal completed its review of a sentence for manslaughter nearly four years to the day from when the sentence wa…
Pension Announcements in the 2016 Federal Budget – What You Need to Know
In the 2016 Federal Budget (the “Budget”) released on March 22, 2016, the federal government made several announcements regarding the supe…
Canadian Securities Administrators Release 2015 Enforcement Report
Each year the Canadian Securities Administrators (“CSA”), an umbrella organization of Canada’s provincial and territorial securities regulators, relea…
Accurately Recording Statements of the Court: A Cautionary Tale
Justice Perell of the Ontario Superior Court was recently given pause in the midst of a certification motion in Davidson v Canada (Attorney General) w…
Directors Liabilities – Even After Settlement
The Ontario Superior Court has ruled that claims for professional misconduct can still be brought against directors and officers despite a class actio…
Graham v 10 Tecumseh: Whether Appeal Should be Dismissed for Delay Decided by Test for Extension of Time to File or Perfect an Appeal
In the Ontario Divisional Court case of Graham v 10 Tecumseh, the applicant failed to perfect his appeal in accordance with the time period required b…
Cooperative Capital Markets Regulator Releases Proposed Transition Approach
The CCMR has recently posted a summary of its proposed “Transition Approach”. This approach lays out the following transitional principles, with the s…