Mark is a key contact for the firm’s Corporate and Securities Disputes Group. Mark has a business-focused civil and securities litigation, appellate and international commercial arbitration practice.
His practice covers a wide variety of issues in corporate and commercial law including mergers and acquisitions litigation, director and officer liability, corporate governance, shareholder disputes, oppression, privacy, libel and slander, real estate lease disputes, mining litigation and class actions.
Mark has appeared before the Supreme Court of Canada, the Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Yukon Courts of Appeal, the superior trial courts of numerous provinces and the Ontario and British Columbia Securities Commissions. Mark’s international commercial arbitration and investor-state arbitration experience includes major arbitration hearings conducted in London, Rome, Geneva, Tokyo, Warsaw and The Hague.
Mark completed two appellate judicial clerkships, the first with the late Chief Justice E.D. Bayda of the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal in 1986 and the second with the late Justice John Sopinka of the Supreme Court of Canada in 1989. He completed the B.C.L. degree at Oxford University in 1989, between his clerking experiences. Mark has had many important legal publications including a leading Canadian legal text for the last quarter-century, co-authored with the late Justice Sopinka entitled Sopinka, Gelowitz and Rankin on the Conduct of an Appeal, Fifth Edition (Lexis/Nexis 2022).
Representative Work
- Facebook, Inc. in proposed privacy class actions in Ontario, Saskatchewan and British Columbia, including the successful dismissal of the Ontario motion for certification in a case arising from the Cambridge Analytica issues and the successful dismissal of the plaintiff’s appeal from an order denying certification of a proposed class action; also representing Facebook in its defence of proposed securities class actions in Ontario, Saskatchewan and Quebec arising from Facebook’s initial public offering (IPO) in the United States.
- MGM Resorts International in proposed privacy class actions in Ontario and British Columbia (ongoing).
- Cantor Fitzgerald Canada Corporation in a proposed securities class action in British Columbia relating to shares of Northern Dynasty (ongoing).
- Economical Mutual Insurance Company in proposed class actions in Ontario, Saskatchewan and British Columbia arising from claims under business interruption insurance during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Wheaton Precious Metals Corp. in a proposed securities class action in Ontario (ongoing).
- Lead partner representing Dundee Kilmer Developments Limited Partnership, Dundee Realty Corporation and related companies in a high-stakes dispute with Catalyst.
- Represented a Canadian public company in an International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) arbitration in Tokyo, in a successful claim against a Japanese company relating to the force majeure clause of a long-term supply agreement (2019).
- The Estée Lauder Companies Inc. in its agreement to increase its ownership in DECIEM Beauty Group Inc.
- Shoppers Drug Mart Inc. in its current defence of a franchise class action brought by two of its Associate-owners representing all Associates in Shoppers Drug Mart stores outside of Quebec (ongoing).
- Representing a European subsidiary of a Canadian mining company in an investor-state arbitration in The Hague against a member state of the European Union, alleging discriminatory treatment under the terms of a bilateral investment treaty (ongoing).
- Kinross Gold Corporation and a number of its officers and directors in the successful defence of a proposed securities class action making various claims in respect of Kinross’s disclosure concerning its Tasiast mine (2014).
- Represented a Canadian public company in an International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) arbitration in Geneva, in a successful claim against a European company relating to the force majeure clause of a long-term supply agreement (2014).
- Goldcorp Inc. in its successful defence of a claim brought by Barrick Gold Corporation against Goldcorp, Xstrata Chile and New Gold in respect of Goldcorp’s acquisition of a 70% interest in the El Morro mining project in Chile (2012).
- Magna International Inc. in securing court approval of the plan of arrangement for the company’s dual-class share capital reorganization, in the face of concerted opposition from a group of institutional shareholders. The approval granted by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice was confirmed on appeal by the Ontario Divisional Court (2010).
- Icahn Group in its successful application to the British Columbia Securities Commission to cease trade the poison pill implemented by the board of directors of Lions Gate Entertainment Corp. as a defensive tactic against the Icahn Group’s hostile take-over bid for Lions Gate. The expedited appeal by Lions Gate to the British Columbia Court of Appeal, the first-ever Canadian appeal in a poison pill case, was dismissed from the bench (2010).
- State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company in defeating a motion for certification as a class action of a $200 million claim relating to the use of aftermarket automotive parts in insurance repairs, following appellate proceedings in which the plaintiffs sought to re-open the dismissed certification motion to lead new expert evidence (2009).
- Lundin Mining Corporation in its intervention in the Ontario Securities Commission proceedings arising from the proposed transaction between Lundin and HudBay Minerals Inc. (2009).
- Successfully defended a Canadian public company in an International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) arbitration in Rome, in a claim commenced by a large Italian company in respect of a post-closing issue arising from a shareholders’ agreement (2008).
- Ventas, Inc. in its successful application for a declaration that Sunrise REIT was obligated under the purchase agreement between the parties to enforce the standstill terms of Sunrise REIT’s confidentiality agreement with a participant in its prior auction process. The decision of the Ontario Superior Court was upheld by the Court of Appeal for Ontario (2007).
- Glamis Gold Ltd. in defeating the attempt by a shareholder of Goldcorp Inc. to force a vote of the shareholders of Goldcorp to approve the acquisition of Glamis by Goldcorp. The decision of the Ontario Superior Court was upheld by the Ontario Divisional Court (2006).
- Sears Holdings Corporation in proceedings before the Ontario Securities Commission and the Ontario Divisional Court in relation to Sears Holdings’ take-over bid for the shares of Sears Canada Inc. (2006).
- The directors and officers of Bolivar Gold Corp. in successfully defending an oppression claim against them in connection with Bolivar’s plan of arrangement for the purchase of Bolivar by Gold Fields Ltd. The dismissal of the oppression claim by the Supreme Court of the Yukon Territory was upheld by the Yukon Court of Appeal (2006).
- Cara Operations Limited in its successful attack on Second Cup’s poison pill at the Ontario Securities Commission during Cara’s take- over bid for the company (2002).
- Chapters Inc. in all litigation aspects of the hotly contested hostile take-over bid for the company, including proceedings before the OSC and the Ontario Court of Appeal. (2001).
- Lead partner representing Dundee Kilmer Developments Limited Partnership, Dundee Realty Corporation and related companies in a high-stakes dispute with Catalyst.
- Represented a Canadian public company in an International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) arbitration in Tokyo, in a successful claim against a Japanese company relating to the force majeure clause of a long-term supply agreement (2019).
- The Estée Lauder Companies Inc. in its agreement to increase its ownership in DECIEM Beauty Group Inc.
- Shoppers Drug Mart Inc. in its current defence of a franchise class action brought by two of its Associate-owners representing all Associates in Shoppers Drug Mart stores outside of Quebec (ongoing).
- Representing a European subsidiary of a Canadian mining company in an investor-state arbitration in The Hague against a member state of the European Union, alleging discriminatory treatment under the terms of a bilateral investment treaty (ongoing).
- Kinross Gold Corporation and a number of its officers and directors in the successful defence of a proposed securities class action making various claims in respect of Kinross’s disclosure concerning its Tasiast mine (2014).
- Represented a Canadian public company in an International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) arbitration in Geneva, in a successful claim against a European company relating to the force majeure clause of a long-term supply agreement (2014).
- Goldcorp Inc. in its successful defence of a claim brought by Barrick Gold Corporation against Goldcorp, Xstrata Chile and New Gold in respect of Goldcorp’s acquisition of a 70% interest in the El Morro mining project in Chile (2012).
- Magna International Inc. in securing court approval of the plan of arrangement for the company’s dual-class share capital reorganization, in the face of concerted opposition from a group of institutional shareholders. The approval granted by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice was confirmed on appeal by the Ontario Divisional Court (2010).
- Icahn Group in its successful application to the British Columbia Securities Commission to cease trade the poison pill implemented by the board of directors of Lions Gate Entertainment Corp. as a defensive tactic against the Icahn Group’s hostile take-over bid for Lions Gate. The expedited appeal by Lions Gate to the British Columbia Court of Appeal, the first-ever Canadian appeal in a poison pill case, was dismissed from the bench (2010).
- State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company in defeating a motion for certification as a class action of a $200 million claim relating to the use of aftermarket automotive parts in insurance repairs, following appellate proceedings in which the plaintiffs sought to re-open the dismissed certification motion to lead new expert evidence (2009).
- Lundin Mining Corporation in its intervention in the Ontario Securities Commission proceedings arising from the proposed transaction between Lundin and HudBay Minerals Inc. (2009).
- Successfully defended a Canadian public company in an International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) arbitration in Rome, in a claim commenced by a large Italian company in respect of a post-closing issue arising from a shareholders’ agreement (2008).
- Ventas, Inc. in its successful application for a declaration that Sunrise REIT was obligated under the purchase agreement between the parties to enforce the standstill terms of Sunrise REIT’s confidentiality agreement with a participant in its prior auction process. The decision of the Ontario Superior Court was upheld by the Court of Appeal for Ontario (2007).
- Glamis Gold Ltd. in defeating the attempt by a shareholder of Goldcorp Inc. to force a vote of the shareholders of Goldcorp to approve the acquisition of Glamis by Goldcorp. The decision of the Ontario Superior Court was upheld by the Ontario Divisional Court (2006).
- Sears Holdings Corporation in proceedings before the Ontario Securities Commission and the Ontario Divisional Court in relation to Sears Holdings’ take-over bid for the shares of Sears Canada Inc. (2006).
- The directors and officers of Bolivar Gold Corp. in successfully defending an oppression claim against them in connection with Bolivar’s plan of arrangement for the purchase of Bolivar by Gold Fields Ltd. The dismissal of the oppression claim by the Supreme Court of the Yukon Territory was upheld by the Yukon Court of Appeal (2006).
- Cara Operations Limited in its successful attack on Second Cup’s poison pill at the Ontario Securities Commission during Cara’s take- over bid for the company (2002).
- Chapters Inc. in all litigation aspects of the hotly contested hostile take-over bid for the company, including proceedings before the OSC and the Ontario Court of Appeal. (2001).
Latest Insights
Report Nov 18, 2022
Sopinka and Gelowitz on the Conduct of an Appeal, 5th Edition
Appellate litigators and judges have turned to Sopinka and Gelowitz on the Conduct of an Appeal for guidance since its first publication...
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Webinar Oct 25, 2023
AccessPrivacy Monthly Call: Data litigation roundtable: key takeaways from recent privacy decisions
In this month’s webinar, Adam Kardash will join Partners from Osler’s specialized privacy litigation team to discuss key themes and takeaways...
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Osler Update Jan 11, 2023
The perils of evidentiary ‘Jenga towers’ in securities class actions
In a series of securities class action decisions issued in 2022, Ontario courts provided useful guidance on elements of the statutory cause of action...
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Ontario Court of Appeal clarifies the duties of parties to a right of first refusal
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Awards and Recognition
Chambers Canada: Canada’s Leading Lawyers for Business: Recognized in Litigation: General Commercial (Ontario)
The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory: Recognized in Class Actions; Litigation – Corporate Commercial; Litigation – Directors’ & Officers’ Liability; Litigation – Securities
Best Lawyers in Canada: Recognized in Appellate Practice; Corporate and Commercial Litigation; Securities Law
Benchmark Litigation Canada: Recognized in Class Action; Dispute Resolution; Commercial Securities (Litigation Star)
Lexpert Special Edition: Recognized in Technology and Health Sciences; Recognized in Litigation
Media Mentions
Osler News Nov 23, 2023
23 Osler lawyers recognized in Lexpert Special Edition: Litigation 2023
23 Osler lawyers featured in the Lexpert Special Edition: Litigation 2023.
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Osler News Oct 23, 2023
Nine Osler lawyers recognized in Lexpert Special Edition: Mining 2023
Congratulations to nine Osler lawyers recognized in the Lexpert Special Edition: Mining 2023, highlighting leading lawyers in the sector.
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Osler News Jun 29, 2023
29 Osler lawyers recognized in Lexpert Special Edition: Technology and Health 2023
Congratulations to 29 of our lawyers for their inclusion in the Lexpert Special Edition: Technology and Health 2023.
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Osler News Jun 15, 2022
28 Osler lawyers recognized by Lexpert as leaders in Technology and Health Sciences
The Lexpert Special Edition: Technology and Health Sciences 2022 recognizes 28 Osler lawyers as leaders.
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Speaking and Writing
Speaking Engagements
AccessPrivacy Monthly Call: Data litigation roundtable: key takeaways from recent privacy decisions
Read moreAccessPrivacy Monthly Call: Data litigation roundtable: litigation risk associated with data breaches and data misuse
Read moreAccessPrivacy Monthly Call: Data litigation roundtable: privacy class actions update
Read moreFebruary 2021 AccessPrivacy Call: dissecting the landmark dismissal of the Cambridge Analytica proposed class action
Read morePublished Work
- Mondaq Comparative Guide to International Arbitration, Canada (M. Gelowitz and L. Tomasich), January 2019.
- Hopkins v. Kay: Ontario Court of Appeal Considers Order Conclusively Determining Superior Court’s Jurisdiction to be Final, DRI Medical Liability and Health Care Law Digest (August 2014).
- Zurich Insurance Company v. Chubb Insurance Company of Canada: Ontario Court of Appeal Considers Standard of Review of Arbitration Decisions, Canadian Journal of Insurance Law, July 2014, Volume 32, No. 4.
- The Conduct of an Appeal, 3rd Ed., Sopinka and Gelowitz, Lexis/Nexis, 2012.
- Baffinland: A new frontier for poison pills?, Lawyers Weekly (February 2011).
- Supreme Court Sounds the Death Knell for Fundamental Breach (2011), 26 Banking & Finance Law Review 339.
- Recent Developments in Securities Litigation – Archibald & Echlin, Annual Review of Civil Litigation (Carswell 2010).
- Court certifies class action against Imax: Liability may be coming soon to a theatre near you, Lawyers Weekly (February 2010).
- OSC Hudbay Decision May Profoundly Impact M&A Landscape, Osler Update, June 11, 2009.
- Certicom v. RIM: When is a Confidentiality Agreement a Standstill, Too?, Osler Corporate Review, March 2009.
- Supreme Court of Canada Dismisses Appeal in Danier Leather, Osler Update, October 16, 2007.
- Recent Developments in Class Proceedings: A Defendant’s Perspective (2006), 43 Canadian Business Law Journal 339.
- Oxford University, B.C.L.
- Queen’s University, LL.B.
- University of Regina, B.A.
- English
Professional Affiliations
- Advocates' Society
- Ontario Bar Association
- Metropolitan Toronto Lawyers' Association