On November 11, 2021, ETS announced it had acquired a majority stake in Kira Talent. The acquisition will make Kira Talent’s video and assessment platform part of ETS’ Global Higher Education portfolio, diversifying ETS’ offerings. The transaction will also fuel Kira Talent’s growth and facilitate the development of its education admissions solutions.
Kira Talent is a Toronto-based technology firm focused on its cloud-based holistic admissions solution for higher education.
ETS is a leading educational testing and assessment organization.
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP advised Kira Talent with a team consisting of David Jamieson, Jordana Corber-Tovel (Emerging and High Growth Companies), Dov Begun, Emily Gilmour (Tax), Damian Rigolo (Employment & Labour), Kaeleigh Kuzma (Competition/Antitrust & Foreign Investment) and Kelly Moffatt (Commercial).
Key Contact
Partner, Emerging and High Growth Companies, Toronto
Associate, Tax, Toronto
Partner, Competition/Antitrust and Foreign Investment, Calgary
Partner, Employment and Labour, Toronto
Partner, Commercial, Toronto
Partner, Tax, Toronto