On April 25, 2022, Signal 1 announced strategic collaborations with Unity Health Toronto, a leading health network in Ontario, and TD Bank Group (TD) and its world-leading applied AI division, Layer 6. Signal 1 launched with US$10 million in Seed financing led by iNovia Capital. Other investors in the round include TD, AI pioneer Geoffrey Hinton and Radical Ventures. Through its collaboration with Unity Health, Signal 1 will build on leading-edge AI systems already in use by clinicians at St. Michael's Hospital, part of Unity Health. Signal 1's agreement with TD will provide US$4 million in Seed financing from TD and will enable the venture to leverage the AI technology platform that has been developed by TD's Layer 6 team.
Signal 1 is a health AI start-up with the mission to transform patient care through responsibly deployed AI.
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP advised Signal 1 with a team consisting of Chad Bayne, Justin Dharamdial, Ryan Unruch, Jennifer Humphrey, Ferial Fekri, Nik Popovski (Emerging and High Growth Companies), Simon Hodgett, Sam Ip (Technology), Steven Dickie, Ksenija Novakovic (Employment & Labour), Alan Kenigsberg (Tax) and Shira Dveris (Articling Student).
Key Contact
Partner, Emerging and High Growth Companies, Toronto
Partner, Emerging and High Growth Companies, Toronto
Associate, Emerging and High Growth Companies, Toronto
Associate, Corporate, Toronto
Associate, Emerging and High Growth Companies, Toronto
Associate, Emerging and High Growth Companies, Toronto
Partner, Tax, Toronto
Partner, Technology, Toronto
Partner, Employment and Labour, Toronto
Partner, Technology, Toronto