Stay up to date on the latest legal developments and how these may impact your business.
Risk Management and Crisis Response Blog
Insights on avoiding and addressing corporate crisis.
Visit BlogQuébec insider trading decision discusses transactional certainty for the materiality criterion
Aggressive enforcement by securities regulators continues
The OSC’s new proposal to distribute funds from disgorgement orders to harmed investors
Canadian Class Action Defence Blog
Timely, reliable and practical information about defending national and international class actions.
Visit BlogSettlement surprise: Québec courts reject class action settlements
Court of Appeal upholds certification denial and dismissal of drug recall class action
Del Giudice dismissed: Court of Appeal shows how the certification ‘cause of action’ component can be used to end meritless claims
Pensions and Benefits Law Blog
A discussion of Canadian and U.S./cross-border pension and benefit legal issues.
Visit Blog‘Material IT risk’ reporting requirement for Ontario pension plans goes live April 1, 2024
Are pension plan administrators legally required to consider climate change?
CAPSA releases draft guidelines on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations in pension plan management
Construction and Infrastructure Law in Canada Blog
Timely, reliable and practical information about developments in construction and infrastructure law.
Visit BlogBeware the contractual limitation period
Alberta Court releases first decision addressing adjudication under Prompt Payment and Construction Lien Act
Judicial review of adjudicator’s determination granted by Ontario Divisional Court
Canada Energy Transition Blog
Information and analysis relevant to Canada's transition to a low-carbon economy.
Visit BlogOntario releases new regulations for carbon storage
Zero-emission vehicles regulation under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act
Ontario proposes to permit renewable energy virtual net metering arrangements for ICI participants
The Conduct of an Appeal Blog
Recent developments in Canadian appellate law and practice.
Visit BlogYatar: circumscribed right of appeal does not preclude judicial review
Breaking the seal: BCCA recommends a procedure for media challenges to private proceedings
First appeal of an arbitration award under section 59 of British Columbia’s new Arbitration Act
Employment and Labour Law Blog
Timely relevant and practical information about developments, issues and cases in employment and labour law.
Visit Blog‘Working for workers’ means more work for employers
Ontario Court of Appeal confirms duty to provide honest reasons for termination
HRTO finds no post-employment obligation to conduct a workplace investigation
Canadian Arbitration Blog
Providing practical updates and commentary on significant arbitration issues and developments.
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